Choose Any Type Of The Insurance
At The Best Price For You

How does MAGNUS Insurance work:

  • Fill out the blank on company website.
  • We instantly choose the most suitable option from offers of insurance companies on Georgian market.
  • We send you the electronic documents needed for insurance.
  • We prepare the insurance policy/contract and provide you with it on the same day.


How does MAGNUS insurance work in insurance process:

  • We communicate with the insured customers in order to control the service quality.
  • We consult you regarding any field of insurance: Auto insurance, health insurance, property insurance etc.
  • We constantly defend your interests.


How does MAGNUS insurance work during an accident:

  • We instantly get involved in the incurred damage regulation process and protect your interests from the very beginning.
  • We assist you on acquiring necessary documents for incurred damage regulation.
  • We constantly communicate with the insurance companies in order to quickly regulate the insured accident
  • Our professional lawyers will consult you on any problematic issue.

5 reasons why you should choose Magnus Insurance:

→ We are an insurance market which offers a wide choice of insurance companies and offers you suggestions in the shortest possible time

→ We offer products that are tailored to your needs at the best price

→ Our team will answer any and all the interesting and necessary questions for you

→ We will notify you about renewal of insurance policies and insurance premiums

→ In case of an accident we always protect your interests


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Our advices will help you to make the best decision.


We offer you fast and convenient service for an acceptable price.


We'll be always with you even in the most unusual situations.

You Can Ask Any Question

Magnus Insurance

Magnus is a place where insurance companies of Georgian market are presented in one space.

We offer you a wide variety of choices for a profitable price. You can purchase insurance products on our website, without need to visit our office. Magnus offers insurance as well as reinsurance programs.

We collaborate with both individuals and legal entities.

Time and a quality service is very important for our clients, that is why they chose Magnus.

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