How does MAGNUS Insurance work:
- Fill out the blank on company website.
- We instantly choose the most suitable option from offers of insurance companies on Georgian market.
- We send you the electronic documents needed for insurance.
- We prepare the insurance policy/contract and provide you with it on the same day.
How does MAGNUS insurance work in insurance process:
- We communicate with the insured customers in order to control the service quality.
- We consult you regarding any field of insurance: Auto insurance, health insurance, property insurance etc.
- We constantly defend your interests.
How does MAGNUS insurance work during an accident:
- We instantly get involved in the incurred damage regulation process and protect your interests from the very beginning.
- We assist you on acquiring necessary documents for incurred damage regulation.
- We constantly communicate with the insurance companies in order to quickly regulate the insured accident
- Our professional lawyers will consult you on any problematic issue.